Your Ultimate Guide for a Thigh Lift Procedure
Thighplasty or thigh lift is an operative procedure that helps to reduce extra fat and skin from the portions around the thigh. Usually, those who have lost considerable weight opt for the treatment to reshape and smoothen the thighs. Also, people who want to shape their thighs to boost their confidence and comfort level while sporting jeans, swimsuits, or shorts go for the treatment.
Types of thigh lift procedures
While the fundamental behind thigh lift remains the same, the procedure is performed through incisions in various body parts to give away different outcomes. That said, the grounds for choosing the right thigh lift procedure depends on the requirement one has and their respective results.
Inner thigh lift
Known as one of the obvious forms of plastic surgery, it is used to address saggy skin in the inner thigh portions. The procedure is performed by injecting from the groin moving down towards the knee or at the back of the thighs.
Mini thigh lift
It depends on the need one caters to and certain must-have parameters. The treatment includes a lesser number of incisions compared to other procedures. That said, one incision is made in the groin to address the upper thigh portions exclusively.
Outer thigh lift
It is done through an incision from the groin to the hip and lower back portion.
Vertical thigh lift
It is used to deal with excessive fat and skin across the thigh portions. However, it is performed by making larger incisions up to the knees and comes with several risks which is why it’s not generally recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
Lift followed by liposuction
If some of your thigh portions have lost their elasticity, then a thigh lift procedure is the best fit followed by liposuction. It helps to remove excess fat cells and sagging skin.
Essential Conditions for a thigh lift procedure
As you prepare yourself for a thigh lift procedure, your doctor would recommend you stop any medication that can increase bleeding conditions. It might be aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen, and specific supplements. The procedure includes general anesthesia which takes usually 2 hours and a day of hospitalization in case any complication arises.
Healing process
Post conducting the thigh lift procedure, the surgeon would carry out dressings on the incision areas to address the swellings. At times, the doctor might insert a tube to drain out the excessive blood and fluids from the operated areas which would be removed in the course of recovery. Meanwhile, in the initial days, one might experience pain, swelling, and bruising. The recovery process of the procedure varies to some extent and must be discussed with the healthcare provider.
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