Which tummy tuck procedure will be the best for your goals?
A tummy tuck procedure or abdominoplasty is performed to have a firm and flat belly and a narrow waist by removing the extra skin and fat while tightening the abdomen muscles. Its very important to understand that its not a general surgery to fit everyone and isn’t necessarily a substitute for dietary conditions and exercise. However, there are various types of tummy tuck procedures to cater to individual requirements and lend the desired shape, but how to decide on the right option for you?
1. Full tummy tuck
It is for those who are overall healthy while having weak abdominal muscles or extra skin in the midsections. If you are wishing to have flat areas above and below the belly button, this procedure will be your cup of tea! Its is a conventional procedure that is performed through a horizontal incision in between the hipbones. At times, an incision is made around the belly button to stretch the muscles by pulling down the skin over the stomach. Many people go for liposuction procedure to get a proper contour through fat reduction. Later on the belly button is repositioned and the incision covered.
2. Mini tummy tuck
There’s a very common misconception that those who are overweight only opt for tummy tuck procedures. In fact, those with standard weight conditions also go for mini tummy tuck to get rid of the belly fat despite dieting and exercise. It helps to flatten a small bulge in the lower abdomen in between mons pubis and belly button. The surgery is performed with a horizontal incision between the hipbones to tighten the muscles beneath, thus removing the extra skin . At times, liposuction is carried out after the procedure to take out the fat deposition. Its not as major as full tummy tuck which is why the healing period is also less i.e. around a week or so.
3. Extended tummy tuck
Its an extensive version of full tummy tuck opted by both healthy women and men to deal with excessive skin on the tummy, lower back and hips . The surgery is performed by making ahorizontal incision across the lower belly and around the hips. If required, vertical incision is also made to make more room for treating a larger surface area by getting rid of extra tissue. On the other hand, liposuction is also carried out at times to contour and cut back on the excessive fat. This procedure doesn’t take more than a few weeks for complete recovery.
Here are some factors to be considered before choosing the right tummy tuck procedure:
• Amount of skin to be fixed
• Area of surgery
• Skin quality and body type
• Old surgical scarring
• Placement of extra fat
Can you get pregnant after a tummy tuck? tummy tuck procedure come with least scarring effects and possess the best potential to scale the overall bodily appearance of an individual. Therefore, its critical to consult with a skilled surgeon before opting for the procedure.
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