Top Cosmetic Procedures to Give Brides the Perfect Wedding Look
Those who are gearing up for their wedding day to sport the ideal bridal look plan for months and years. As women journey towards the most memorable day in their life, they opt for facials, polishing, body scrubbing fillers, botox procedures, and chemical feeling. But before getting started, one must know the right choices to bring out their natural beauty and radiance for the special day. Here go some of them:
1. Botox
It is one of the easiest and most effective procedures to address the fine lines around the eyes and forehead for the to-be brides. Its performed by injecting in the concerned areas by the cosmetic surgeon for half an hour. However, the treatment addresses the potent wrinkles which appear with each movement of facial muscles like frown lines. However, it’s a non-surgical intervention that hasno recovery time with long-term outcomes foe up to 3-4 months!
2. Facial fillers
If your wedding day is just a call away, but your skin is looking dull and saggy without any shine, facial fillers can be your right solution! It is carried out by injecting several facial areas to lend volume, plumpness, and a fuller appearance. However, many men and women go for Juvederm treatment and Restylane to fill their lips and wrinkles around the mouth and under the eyes which in turn lends to a younger look. Meanwhile, the would-be brides also go for a procedure known as Radiesse which is an ideal way to soften the wrinkles and lines with a gel sourced from calcium hydroxylapatite. The procedure lends an instant lift to the skin while improving the body’s collagen production led by the least invasive technique and no healing time. The fillers must be carried out for 2 months before the wedding day for effective results!
3. Sculptra
It is best done 3 months before the wedding day to reduce fat while it’s better to have some more time in hand so that in case there is a requirement for repetition of the procedure, you have a headroom for it. The treatment helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines while boosting collagen production that adds to skin firmness. Meanwhile, it is the least invasive treatment with no timeline for recovery leading to long-term outcomes.
4. Facelift
It’s one of the best procedures that can amount to naturally glowing and clear skin on the wedding day without any makeup. It helps to do away with visible bags near the jawline, hollow or indented cheeks, noticeable lines or folds, and loose skin. Various treatments like High SMAS, Lift and fill and Deep Plane can be tried.
Which procedure are you planning to opt for as you get decked for the wedding day?
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